
It's late again. I tell myself continuously that, "Hey, I won't stay up passed 2am this time... like I do every night." When I'm up super late, I think my body gets nervous. It wants its sleep. It's afraid it may not get its sleep. I start to twitch and ache and begin to get hungry... for breakfast. While I've been awake, I've been looking through old photos I took. I'm really happy with them. One is of a bumble bee, just hanging onto a flower, I assume right before flight. I love the texture, that you can tell just how fuzzy this little guy was. Makes me miss photography. Makes me miss the beauty and joy of capturing images of things people would never see without the photo. No one would see a bee stretch its legs in the air before looking for another flower. Maybe it was reaching out for the flower it longed for... if it could only reach a little further. There is so

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