Sitting. Staring into the blackness...the darkness of a dark worship center. Poeple out in the gathering place discussing jobs... students running around the dark church playing hide n' go seek. me...sitting. The ceiling rumbles and the air turns on. it hurts my head as it presses on above... pumping cool and chilling air into this enclosed soundroom. Youth group. Youth group. Youth group. It now seems like youth groups. everyone has paired off. Odd numbers. Odd numbers. Odd numbers. someone has to be left alone. i suppose it is me. New youth paster. new routine. things are so different. not like they used to be. people say change is good and will come. what if that wasn't true. should i? i need to be out of everything. I want to be flying above my problems like a bird or an airplane and just soar above everything i used to know and smile.
The lights flicker and the lights of this old worship center turn on. a boy walks in, trys to open a storage closet...but it is locked. no luck. he walks back... sad... leaving the lights on. I can see everything beyond this computer screen. silence and a glow not bright enough to completly see the true color of anything. the only colors possible to see are of this screen.
The boy runs with a key.... strangly as he runs to unlock the door, the door opens before he can touch it. he walks inside and the door shuts behind him. he comes out with a candle and walks back. this time turning out the lights and shutting the door behind him. I'm alone again in this little soundroom...sitting... sitting... sitting...
Abbey Meyer
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